<h1> World Hunger </h1> Organizations:
  1. "Stop Hunger Now"

  2. "Action Against Hunger

  3. "Hunger Notes"

  4. "World food programme"

  5. "UNICEF"

  6. "The Hunger Project"

  7. "The Hunger Project"

How organizations are helping:
Some organizations are helping people in poor countries to gain access to credit Other links and others donate food or money to people who are not as well off as some of us are. Many of these organizations have a website in which people can donate as much money they want. Some organizations help farmers become more urban in their farming while some others help people get access to education. Most of the organizations we see these days are online and they state many facts about places not having enough food, clean water, etc. These organizations usually provide an are where you can subscribe to newsletters and emails about what is going on with the organization. Some organizations have ways in whch you can donate money in person. Durinh Halloween, UNICEF has a program which many schools partcicpate in called "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" and students take a little box with them and collect money while going trick-or-teating. :
Other links:
  1. "Which Child Should we Save?" article