Hunger us the want or scarcity of food in a place. There are two diferent types of malnutrition. Th first one is protein-energy malnutrition. This leads to growth failure. These can lead to weight loss and in severe conditions, even death. Some kids look younger than they actually are, which is another problemtat PEM can lead to. The next type of malnutrition is is micronutrient deficiency.
causes:The main cause of hunger is poverty. Hunger also happens becuase of the lack of resources in some areas around the world. About 896 million people who live in developing countries and are in poverty, live on $1.90 or less per day or sometimes even less. They are not able to suvive on this and they feel that the thing they cut down onn is food. In soem places they also don't have grocery stores and supermarkets to go to to buy their food. In some places, the people have td find their own food and if they haven't eaten in many days, they may not have the energy to go and find their own food. Even in the United States, in some places people have to rely on what other people give them to get their food and some people don't even have a shelter to stay in. Many people complain about the winter months but many of these people stay outside during the food with the very few belongings that they own. So next time you think it is cold, just remember that that is killing someone else somewere in the world.